
Test "Ukraine in the World"

                   I Variant                                                                                                                            II Variant
      Task I: Match.                                                                                                                        Task I: Match.
  1. to border on                               а) людські права                                                   1.  to be washed by                              a)  вищий орган
  2. moderate continental              b)  запобігти війнам                                              2.  the Carpathian Mountains            b) голосувати і обирати
  3. natural resources                      c) межувати з                                                          3.  administrative regions                   c) омиватися                            
  4. legislative power                       d) дружні відносини                                             4.   executive power                             d)  адміністративні регіони
  5. commander-in-chief                 e) помірно-континентальний                             5.  the highest body                             e) мир і безпека
  6. the Supreme Court                    f) Рада Європи                                                       6.  the Constitutional Court                f)  міжнародні відносини
  7. a political party                          g) міжнародна організація                                 7.  to vote and to elect                         g) політичний союз
  8. international organization       h) політична партія                                               8.  international relations                    h) Карпатські гори
  9. friendly relations                        i) законодавча влада                                           9.  peace and security                          i) країна учасниця
  10. human rights                               j) головнокомандуючий                                    10.  United Nations                                j) виконавча влада
  11. to prevent wars                          k) природні ресурси                                            11.  a political union                             k) Конституційний Суд
  12. the Council of Europe                l)  Верховний Суд                                                12.  a member state                               l) ООН

      Task II: Fill in the gaps.                                                                                                          Task II: Fill in the gaps.
  1. Ukraine is a sovereign and __________ state.                                                         1. Ukraine is situated in the south-eastern part of ________ .
  2. The _______ of the country is about 600.000 square km.                                    2. The capital of Ukraine is ________ .
  3. The main legislative body is called________ .                                                         3. Judicial power in Ukraine is represented by __________ .
  4. Administratively Ukraine is divided into 24 ______ .                                              4. The highest executive body is the _______ .
5.   _______ was founded in 1945 after World War II.                                                   5. ________  is a political and economic union of 27 European countries
6.   The Council of Europe is _____ European international organization.                 6. Ukraine is ________ of the Council of Europe.

 The Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court;    the oldest;    a state member;    Kyiv;    territory;    
the United Nations;    President;     Central Europe;  Verkhovna Rada;     independent;    the European Union;    regions

      Task III.  Answer the questions.                                                                                       Task III: Answer the questions.
      1.   Where is Ukraine situated?                                                                                        1. What seas is Ukraine washed by?
      2.   What countries does it border on?                                                                           2. What is the population of our country?
      3.   What is the highest executive body in our state?                                                  3.  What is the main legislative body of Ukraine?
      4.   What is the name of Ukraine’s parliament?                                                            4. How many deputies does Verkhovna Rada consist of?
      5.   What international organizations do you know?                                                    5. What organisation did Ukraine join in 1995?
      6.   What organizations is Ukraine a state member?                                                    6. Does Ukraine belong to the European Union?

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