
Test "Technological progress"

                                      I variant                                                                                                                    II variant
       Task I: Match                                                                                                           Task I: Match
  1. digital camera                                a)  віч- на- віч                                                1.   laptop computer                                         a) по радіо
  2. microwave oven                            b) цифрова камера                                        2    mobile telephone                                       b) завантажувати фільми
  3. photocopier                                   c) телевізор з плоским екраном                   3.   vacuum cleaner                                          c) підєднуватися до Інтернету
  4. flat screen TV                               d) перемикати канали                                    4.   washing mashine                                       d) мобільний телефон
  5. face to face                                    e) спілкуватися в мережі                              5.   on the radio                                                e) фотографувати  і знімати  відео
  6. by email                                        f) через емейл                                                 6.   search engine                                             f) пошукова система
  7. to answer the phone                      g) завантажувати музику                              7.   to log on to the Internet                              g) відправляти  повідомлення
  8. to connect to the Internet              h) знаходити інформацію для навчання      8.   to take photos and videos                           h) перемикатися на інший канал
  9. to change TV channels                  i) мікрохвильова піч                                     9.   to send text messages                                  i) пральна машина
  10. to chat online                                 j) взяти слухавку                                          10.  to turn over to another channel                   j) портативний компютер
  11. to download music                        k) ксерокс                                                      11.  to download films                                       k) знаходити розважальну інформацію
  12. to find information for studies      l) підєднатися до Інтернету                        12.  to find information about entertainment     l) пилесмок

      Task II:  Fill in the gaps, translate into Ukrainian.                                                 Task II: Fill in the gaps, translate into Ukrainian. 
1.      I use my mobile to __________ to my friends.                                                 1.  I get  ___________  from the news  on TV.                                              
2.      The _____ is an international network of computers.                                        2.   Americans send more than four billion ________ every year.
3.      _________ like Google can quickly find thousands of websites.                      3.   A ________ is a document available on the World Wide Web.
4.      Local radio stations are close to people and ______________ .                        4.  I always try to find information for _______ on the Net.
5.      You can communicate with him __________ .                                                   5. You can listen to _______ on the Net and choose your own programmes.
6.      ________ is an electric machine used for doing calculations.                            6.  _______ is  a gadget used for  taking photos and videos.

Send messages;  information;  a digital camera;  website;  studies;  a calculator;  local problems;  the BBC;   Internet;  search engines;  face to face;  emails.

Task III: Fill in the gaps with the necessary word.                                                 Task III: Fill in the gaps with the necessary word.      
Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.                                                                  Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1) Gunpowder… (is / were / was) used  by the Chinese                                           1) Compasses … (was/ are / were )first used  by the
     to make fireworks and signals in 950.                                                                       Chinese and the Arabs to navigate at sea in 1090.
2) The Internet …(was / will be / is) widely used nowadays                                    2) X-rays …(is / are / was) widely used in medicine.
3) (Are / Will /Were) …the people be cloned in future?                                            3) (Will/ Are/ Was ) …this study be published in a month?
4) This  comet may be visible…(until/ when) the end of the year.                           4) He did not carry out his experiments …(when / until) last week.
5) Scientists experiment with rats (when / until) … they want                                 5) Many people are ready to strike (when / until)…scientists
     to discover facts about human behaviour.                                                                experiment on animals. 
6) We hope that the atomic bomb (will / was / is) never be used any more.             6) There (were / was/ are) no power stations until in 1881.

 Task IV:  Write about the role of the mobile phone in your life.                            Task IV: Write about the role of computers and Internet in our life.     

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